February 2022: GHMPO Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization released a newsletter for February 2022 which contains information regarding various ongoing projects and studies, news, and reminders for upcoming meetings. Please contact Joseph Boyd, […]
July 2021: WeGo Launches Countywide Service
WeGo is a new rideshare public transportation service provided by Hall Area Transit that uses a smartphone application and a fleet of 10-12 passenger vans to transport you around town. […]
May 2021: GHMPO Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization released a newsletter for May 2021 which contains information regarding various ongoing projects and studies, news, and reminders for upcoming meetings. Please contact Joseph Boyd, […]
March 2020: GHMPO, Hall County Offices Closed until May 15, 2020
The Hall County Government Center, which houses GHMPO staff offices, will be closed to the public beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20 through Friday, May 15 in an […]
January 2020: GHMPO Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization released a newsletter for January 2020 which contains information regarding various ongoing projects and studies, news, and reminders for upcoming meetings. Please contact Joseph Boyd, […]
November 2019: Jackson County Transit Feasibility Study Undertaken
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization, in conjunction with Jackson County, has undertaken a transit feasibility study in and for Jackson County. Due to rapid urbanization and resulting population growth, Jackson […]
October 2019: GHMPO Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization has produced the third quarterly newsletter for 2019 (please see the below link) that contains information and links regarding various ongoing projects and studies, news, […]
September 2019: Jackson County Transportation Plan Adopted
In July of 2018, Jackson County and GHMPO began an update to the Jackson County Transportation Plan, the first of its kind since the Jackson County Roadways Plan was completed […]
July 2019: GHMPO Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization has produced the second quarterly newsletter for 2019 (please see the below link) that contains updated information and links regarding various ongoing projects and studies, […]
April 2019: GHMPO Creates Its First Newsletter
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization is pleased to introduce its first ever newsletter. It is our plan going forward to prepare and distribute newsletters quarterly to inform the public our […]